Oop's Error !?@#

400 Bad Request
The client request to the server used improper syntax.

401 Unauthorized
Authorization, generally username and password controlled, is required to access this page.

403 Forbidden
The server understood the request but is deliberately refusing to process it. Authorization will not help.

404 Not Found
This most common error response indicates that the server cannot find the requested page.

5xx Server Error
Response codes from 500 to 599 indicate that something has gone wrong with the server, and the server cannot fix the problem.

501 Not Implemented
The server does not have the feature that is needed to fulfill this request.

502 Bad Gateway
This response is applicable only to servers that act as proxies or gateways. It indicates that the proxy received an invalid response from a server it was connecting to in an effort to fulfill the request.

503 Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to handle the request, perhaps as a result of overloading or maintenance.

2xx Successful
Response codes between 200 and 299 indicate that the request was received, understood, and accepted.

200 OK
This is the most common response code. If the request used GET or POST, the requested data is contained in the response along with the usual headers

201 Created
The server has created a data file at a URL specified in the body of the response. The web browser should now attempt to load that URL. This is sent only in response to POST requests.

204 No Content
The server has successfully processed the request but has no information to send back to the client.

3xx Redirection
Response codes from 300 to 399 indicate that the web browser needs to go to a different page.

300 Multiple Choices
The page requested is available from one or more locations. The body of the response includes a list of locations from which the user or web browser can pick the most appropriate one.

301 Moved Permanently
The page has moved to a new URL

302 Moved Temporarily
This unusual response code indicates that a page is temporarily at a new URL but that the document's location will change again in the foreseeable futur


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